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Travel Trends 2021 and Travel to Africa in 2021

The Travel Trends and Travel to Africa in 2021 is receiving a lot of attention now. We are still in the throws of stringent Lockdown Regulations with different gravity around the world, but people are dreaming of when they can travel again.

Unique Travel Experiences

Can you spot the Hyena?

This is what you yearn for as you sit glued to the screen. Just imagine sitting where I was sitting on the open vehicle and this beautiful Leopard walks past within six feet of you. Truly AMAZING!

The Hyena? That was him in the bush to the right of the road. The Leopard stood still in the road staring at the bush before turning to walk away. You could just see the movement of the Hyena between the foliage. This is what you have been missing!

The year 2020 is behind us, and now with this sense of optimism around access to vaccines, we can take a look at a few of the trends that are expected in the year ahead.

Several respected publications that include Conde’ Nast Traveller and Travel Pulse are talking much the same language when they refer to these expected travel trends. Some of these trends are already establishing themselves in practice, while others are simply confirming what should be common sense when you undertake travel on your dream trip.

Out of Office and productive

The pandemic during 2020 with the associated Lockdowns has proven to us, and industries around the globe, that we do not necessarily have to be in “the office” to be productive. Many people only need their laptop and a good internet connection for a few hours per day to accomplish their tasks and goals. Now you can be out of the office and on Safari in Africa with your family while putting in a highly productive five-to-six-hour workday between your Wildlife viewing activities. Consider that the average person that has to commute daily to a formal office in the city will only be fully productive for around five hours at best. Then they still have to suffer around three hours commuting in crazy traffic.

This is a win-win situation. You get to enjoy the valuable family time and your family is ecstatic because they have never seen so much of you. AND you keep the boss happy with a few hours of highly productive work delivering at your best!

Stressful daily commuting.
Now you can avoid the stress of daily commuting.

Family vacations

We have also learned the value of connecting with family and long lost friends. Far too many of us have had to bear the pain of losing a loved one to coronavirus over the past year while there was still so much you needed to share with them. In our modern world some families may be spread over several continents.

Now is the time for a multi-generation family vacation on Safari far away from the maddening crowds. We owe it to our children that they have time to connect with their grandparents. We owe it to our parents that they have the opportunity to spend time with their beloved grandchildren.

Private Safari in Africa for a group of friends.
Reach out to your friends. Connect and go on Safari.

Who knows how much time we have on this fragile earth?

Your Travel Adviser – a MUST and not a luxury

We love the independence that the internet has provided. We can now design and organize our own magical holiday, BUT when things go wrong! What are we to do?

All too often travellers are lured by amazing holiday specials and deals at an unbelievable price. So you adjust your personal desires and holiday plans to fit in with this “deal” because there appears to be so much content for the advertised price! But take note! You are just a number adding to the company’s profit margin. You accept THEIR advertised deal on THEIR terms without any possible alterations. And when the “Poo” hits the proverbial fan you will have an emergency number to call that is routed to the call centre. During 2020 the “on hold” times for some desperate client’s calls at these centres exceeded 4 hours! And then your call is DISCONNECTED!

An irritated and confused traveler.
Stressed, irritated, confused and clueless. What now?

Is this going to be you? Stressed out and clueless in a strange country with the airport shut down?

The year 2020 has yet again highlighted the immense value of working with a professional and reputable Travel Adviser. A professional to help create and manage your dream trip. Check out their credentials. There is much to learn from their social media presence.


No, the Travel Adviser does not charge you exorbitant rates. He or she is actually paid by the hotels, resorts, and other providers. That is because the Travel Adviser is rendering a service to THEM. The traveler benefits immensely because here is a person that will sing with you when you have a song in your heart. Your Travel Advisor will hold your hand and guide you through any challenges on your trip. They are on call 24/7 and ready to jump into action at a moment’s notice. You cannot place a monetary value on the peace of mind that you will enjoy knowing that you have a consummate professional in your corner.

Your helpful professional Travel Designer.
Your professional Travel Designer, friend and confidant.

Talk to a Travel Adviser. They have been there! They know what to do!

Last-minute bookings are prevalent.

The travel landscape remains fluid and ever-changing. New travel restrictions are being enacted by various governments that have a knock-on effect throughout the industry. Travelers are clearly ready to travel but are not willing, or able to commit to dates in the future.

The travelers are now ready to commit to their two-week vacation to depart within one week. This is very possible and it will be stress-free when you are working with your Travel Advisor. They CAN make it happen within your designated timeframe.

Longer vacations, smaller groups.

The tendency in 2021 is to move away from the four short breaks in one year. This has been prevalent in some areas. Now our travelers are considering one long vacation for the year. They choose to travel in a smaller select group or a Private Safari for your immediate family only. The itinerary is meticulously planned at a more leisurely pace to avoid crowded amenities and provide the maximum value.

Travel sustainably and with a purpose.

The traveler in 2021 is a conscientious traveler. This is a person who wants to know that his or her tourist dollar is actually filtering down to local communities. Communities who are benefiting directly from their travel plans. Indirectly you are having a hugely positive impact on the environment because the local communities are the custodians of the environment. When they enjoy the direct benefit of your tourist dollar, they are going to be encouraged to act more responsibly towards their environment.

Gone are the days of hopping on a crowded bus to do a voyeuristic tour through the local’s sub-standard housing estate. The tour is “sweetened” with a visit to a family home. Then a visit to the nearby primary school or under-funded clinic. This is where you will usually be confronted with the “begging bowl” conveniently placed near the exit. Because that is the only direct “benefit” this establishment receives for hosting a tour group.

Add value

Your professional Travel Advisor will ensure that your travel itinerary adds value to the local communities. We do this by utilizing service providers in Africa who are Fair Trade Tourism accredited or approved. They uphold the standards set by Fair Trade America and our European counterparts.

Now you will know that every person is fairly compensated and works with fair conditions of service. Every activity you do will be with an organization that is deeply rooted in their community. Organizations that are committed to improving the living and working conditions of their staff. For the greater good of you the guest, and the world.

Let’s plan our travel and travel responsibly and safely.

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